30 Sep 2023

Welcome Remarks by Mr Samuel Siew, 
Chairman, WSH Council (Crane and Lifting) Taskforce 
at the Singapore Logistics and Crane Carnival 2023 
on Saturday, 30 September 2023 at 11am

Mr Desmond Tan, Deputy Secretary-General, National Trades Union Congress,
Mr Andrew Tan, Chairman, Singapore Cranes Association,
Mr Dave Ng, Chairman, Singapore Logistics Association and Chairman, WSH Council (Logistics and Transport) Committee,
Mr Lim Kian Chin, Chairman, Singapore Transport Association
Mr Ricky Loo, President, Container Depot and Logistics Association (Singapore),
Industry partners and friends, ladies and gentlemen.

1. A very warm welcome to everyone and thank you for joining us on this Saturday morning. It is nice seeing everyone with their families and I hope you will have a fun-filled time at today’s Carnival. 

2. My sincere appreciation to the Singapore Cranes Association for leading the organisation of today’s event, together with the Singapore Logistics Association, Singapore Transport Association, and Container Depot and Logistics Association (Singapore).

The Singapore Logistics and Crane Carnival
3. Cranes play an important role in many sectors, and the logistics industry is no exception. Today’s event is organised to raise awareness on the industrial developments of logistics and crane operations, showcase its professionalism and career pathways, and highlight the importance of workplace safety and health.

4. The theme for this year’s Carnival is “Industry Transformation for Innovation, Sustainability and Safety”. There are indoor and outdoor exhibitions, showcasing various technological advancements to improve safety, health and productivity at work. There is also a recruitment drive today, so do take your time in exploring these offerings. 

WSH Performance for Logistics Industry and Crane
5. Next, allow me to share with you some facts and key information on cranes and the industry. The Transportation and Storage (T&S) industry continues to be among the top contributors to workplace fatalities in Singapore. In fact, based on the latest statistics for the first half of this year, the annualised fatality rate is 3.8. This is higher than pre-COVID levels.

6. We are also seeing an increase in dangerous occurrences involving cranes. In the first half of this year, there had already been 7 crane-related dangerous occurrences, compared to 15 in the whole of 2022. There is certainly room for improving the safe use of cranes.

7. Let me share with you an incident that happened in May 2022. A lorry crane toppled to its side while unloading a metal shaft from a trailer, and one of the metal shafts rolled off from the lorry crane’s bed and unfortunately struck a worker.

8. Such incidents can and must be prevented. A lapse in the operations of cranes can lead to severe consequences. Everyone needs to uphold the basics of safe lifting operations. Incorporating technology, such as equipping the lorry crane with a Stability Control System would ensure its stability during lifting operations.

Launch of WSH Guidelines on Lifting Plan Development
9. I am pleased to share that the WSH Council has developed a WSH Guidelines on Lifting Plan Development. The guidelines provide guidance and practical considerations when developing a lifting plan.

10. I thank Mr Andrew Tan, Chairman of the workgroup, and its members for their valuable contributions in developing these WSH Guidelines. I encourage everyone to download the Guidelines from the WSH Council’s website.

Strengthening WSH ownership by key industry partners
11. Today’s Carnival is made possible through the strong partnership between the logistics and cranes stakeholders. In conjunction with the Carnival, an industry-led Safety Time-Out (STO) for Crane and Lifting Operations will also be carried out from October. 

12. I urge everyone to participate actively in the STO to take stock and review your existing WSH systems and processes related to crane and lifting operations, and implement the necessary measures to ensure that these workplaces are safe for our employees and the general public. And improve the safety performance of these sectors

13. I am glad to also hear that the Singapore Institution of Safety Officers is leading a Safe Lifting Clinic Programme on the safe use of lorry cranes for companies. 

14. The programme is run by volunteer members who are passionate in promoting safe lifting standards and prevent dangerous occurrences by lorry cranes. It is through such collaborative efforts that we can foster greater WSH ownership and implement best safety practices.

15. I hope that you will find the competitions and activities that we have lined up today to be exciting. 

16. The electric forklifts used in today’s WSH Forklift Champions’ League have been enhanced with WSH technologies, such as a smart sensor system equipped with warning buzzer and lights to alert operators to nearby pedestrians and objects as well as controlling of the forklifts’ travelling speed to prevent collision. Such technology solutions will help address common causes of forklift incidents, and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.

17. Let us all work together to make Singapore a country renowned for its safe workplaces and healthy workforce.  I wish everyone a safe and fun-filled day with your families. Thank you.