07 Nov 2023

Welcome Address by Ms Dawn Teo, Chairperson of 
WSH Council (Hospitality and Entertainment Industries) Committee, 
for the Vision Zero Forum for the Hospitality and Entertainment Industries on Tuesday, 7 November 2023, 10:00am, at  
Mochtar Riady Auditorium, Level 5, SMU Administration Building 

Mr Abu Bakar Mohd Nor, Chairman of the Workplace Safety and Health Council, 
Fellow Members of the WSH Council, 
Members of the WSH Council (Hospitality & Entertainment Industries) Committee, 
Industry colleagues, 
Ladies and Gentlemen,  

A very good morning to all of you. I am glad to see so many familiar faces at today’s Vision Zero Forum for the Hospitality and Entertainment Industries (H&EI).  

Navigating the path forward for Singapore’s H&EI 

2.   Since the re-opening of borders last year, it is indeed heartening to know that recovery has been stronger than expected.  The Singapore Tourism Board is expecting international visitor arrivals for this year to be around 12 to 14 million, with full tourism recovery to pre-pandemic levels of 19.1 mil by 2024. 

3.   Without doubt, this is wonderful news for the industry.  However, as we ramp up business, it is vital that we continue to take steps to ensure the safety, health, and well-being of our workers, especially given the tight manpower situation that we’re currently in. 

Adopting Vision Zero  

4.   Today’s event marks a significant milestone as we are kicking off the Vision Zero movement for the Hospitality and Entertainment Industries. Why Vision Zero? Because we believe that all injuries and instances of ill-health are preventable.  

5.   I am pleased to share that 66 companies from the industry have pledged their commitment towards Vision Zero. With this pledge, these companies will endeavour to:  
– implement good WSH practices like internal reporting of unsafe conditions at the workplace,  
 – attain bizSAFE accreditation to enhance WSH standards across their organizations;  
– share WSH knowledge with their business partners and contractors.   

A very big thank you to all of you for this strong show of support towards preventing workplace injuries and illnesses, and I hope that many more companies will follow in your footsteps.  

6.   Later today, our expert panellists dive into actionable strategies that companies can take to make Vision Zero a reality, including how to empower workers to speak up without fear, and how to foster a culture of WSH training. I am grateful to our panellists, Hai Poh, Bruno, Victor, for sharing their invaluable insights, which will guide us on our collective Vision Zero journey. 

Committee’s Workplans for 2023 

7.   This Forum today is also an opportunity for us to share the work of our WSH Council (H&EI) Committee. We have partnered with the Nanyang Technological University Transport Research Centre to evaluate safety in Load-Carrying Bicycles and Power-Assisted Bicycles for delivery riders in Singapore. With these recommendations, we will be engaging delivery partners to implement ways to safety improve safety for our delivery riders on the roads.  

8.   Next, our Workgroup on WSH Technology and Design is exploring new solutions, some of which you’ve seen outside today, such as CCTVs and Artificial Intelligence to help to detect hazards and prevent Slips, Trips, and Falls. 

9.   We have also produced two short videos titled “Take Time to Take Care”. These are designed to equip our colleagues in Kitchens and Housekeeping with practical WSH tips. You will catch these brand new videos during today’s forum, and we hope that you can share them with your associates via the WSH Council’s social media channels. 


10.   In closing, I would like emphasise that taking care of our workers is not just a responsibility, it is the right thing to do. So let’s act on our Vision Zero pledge and make the safety and health of our workers a top priority at our workplace! I wish you a fruitful forum ahead. Thank you.